Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Messy Messy

This is what happened the other day when I gave Kaiya peanut butter oatmeal and a fruit smoothie for breakfast. Have I mentioned that she's messy?


Keri said...

These moments will surely disappear specially with #2 on the way and Kaiya getting older and learning how to use silverware. I love these kinds of pics. I say the messier the marrier. Anything is cleanable its all about having fun.

Ive never heard of peanut butter oatmeal. what else do you put in it. im gonna have to try that one. let me know.

Elena said...

I can't believe the feeding stays messy for this long! It looks like Little Miss Kaiya is enjoying herself though, and what a yummy breakfast. I love me a spoonful of peanut butter in my oatmeal.

Pacers said...

Um, do you want to come make breakfast for me? :)

Christina said...

Yes messy but oh so cute!