Thursday, May 01, 2008

I'm thinking about cloth diapering...

Am I crazy? I absolutely love the gDiapers, but they are a little expensive and not having to pay for diapers anymore sounds so enticing. I have been trying to figure out how to get started, but I'm still not sure. Would you do it? Has anyone done it before? Does anyone have any helpful hints or secrets? Any advice is appreciated!


Unknown said...

Hi Crystal! I can't believe Kaiya is one already! That is soooo fast! We used cloth diapers on one of my little was a lot of work...especially when he went number 2. We used to just take his dirty diaper and dump it in the toilet rinse off as much as we could in the toilet by dunking it into the toilet. Definitely not the fondest memories I have. Chantel

Noelle said...

I have a friend who uses cloth diapers and it is hard work. But there are newer versions of cloth diapers that are easier than the original white ones. I was thinking of it and asked her about it once and she said its really hard to switch to cloth after using disposable. I'm not one for a challenge so I let it go. But good luck if you decide to do it and let us know how it goes!

Elena said...

Oooh, I can't wait to read all the comments! We're still trying to decide what kind of diapers to use for Baby Grover. I really like the gDiaper idea, but I also think it's a little expensive.