Not much has been happening
around here, but I had a desire to blog and thought I should post a couple of the new and funny things
Kaiya is doing. For the grandparents if no one else...
1.) She is becoming somewhat of a neat freak. She will walk around putting things away or handing them to me so that I put them away. She even cleans up after herself now on occasion. She still makes plenty of messes, but it seems like she's starting to appreciate order to things. I admit that I love it, except when she goes around the park or the grocery store picking up the trash and handing it to me.
2.) She loves Home Depot. We went there looking for a heater, and while Patrick was comparing and purchasing, I walked around with her while she ran up and down the aisles pointing at everything on her level and saying, "
dem". We had to drag her out of the store.
3.) She has discovered the joy of sliding. She used to hate it, then she would tolerate it, but recently she found that she loves it. We have a little one in the yard that she loves to go down over and over and over again. She can't quite climb up by herself yet though so that leaves me as the lifter and catcher. It's so fun to watch her laugh and smile as she comes down.
4.) Ever since we started watching the debates, she walks around the house saying, "Obama". She picked it up on her own while it was on. I guess her vote is decided.
5.) She can do errands. I can ask her to go get something for me and if she knows where it usually is kept, she can do it. The first time I discovered this was a few weeks ago. She was crying at the kitchen gate while I was making dinner, and I asked her to go get a bib from her room to give her something to do. I was amazed when she actually came back with a bib. Now I can send her to get things for me and she almost always can. She also likes to be a
messenger for Patrick and I. Our house is so small we can obviously hear each other, but she takes it so seriously when we ask her to "go tell dad dinner's ready" or "go tell mom it's time to go". She's such a good little helper.
I'm sure I'll think of more things that I meant to write about after I finish this, but that's a pretty good picture of what
Kaiya's doing right now. I hope you enjoyed it, even if you aren't a grandparent:)